Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the wait

From the mostest sweetest girlst everst. This was so the time would go by faster. Isn't she so sweet

My sister (Elaina) and I making sure our eyes are open nice and wide. You'll understand when you read below. (An infamous Elaina and Jared slogan-"Your only chance is if you come with us!")

Graduation day (I was told to make sure I kept my eyes open, I'm known to squint). Notice the color of our graduate sashes, who has the girliest color?

<--This is quite the stylin' jacket. I know of you out there wish you had one. (You might want to ask Tiffers what she thinks about this 'snazzy' jacket)

<--Caption for picture: This one's for you! One of the many sweet gestures of Pauli to Tiffers during their time apart. He sent a whole care package, even with boiled peanuts. (yeah, what was he thinking?)

Well our second posting will be........suspenseful huh...................about our one month before the wedding. (We definitely love being married.) Pauli was without his honey for 1 whole month before the big day. It was so sad. He had to work and concentrate on school, that was hard. Tiffers was just having fun and slightly stressed in the course of planning a wedding without her crazy fiancee, now hubby:). We made it with a few packages and gifts to each other and now we are together!


1 comment:

Fernandez Family said...

Those wide eyes are too funny! That totally reminds of the roommate days. I love your sense of humor!