Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Few More Thoughts

How Ya'll Doin'

I know many of you may be very surprised to notice that we two blog post this week. We just have lots of big news to report. In a weeks time this must be crazy. First, Pauli is getting older- 28. He doesn't require a cane yet but we must be careful not to injury his aging body. Secondly Tiffers has won an award for a halloween costume at a church activity. It was great. Lets see if you can tell who she was.
First the birthday. Paul got great gifts, a shirt, book, sweater vest, and marshmallows (a requirement for every pauli birthday). These were great gifts but the best was a birthday cake it was made of rice crispie treats with gummie bears and the seperating layer was halloween oreo cookies. MMMM - MMMM GOOD!!!!!

Second, our church congregration had a halloween, trunk or treat. First, Tiffers and I did not want to go, we thought about a relaxing and do nothing Saturday. This did not occur and we decided to go and last minute we had to come up with some costumes. Pauli this entire week has decided to go mountain man, not shaving and quite ragged and unkempt hair. So with no costume he decided to go decide and we shall tell you later.

Tiffers was another story. You see being pregnant there are not a whole lot of options. She did not want to paint her belly or do anything with a basketball or pumpkin. We found a great idea, went to goodwill and found the perfect outfit. You shall see.

Other good news to report we bought a king size bed and boy are we excited. One more thing is that Tiffers got her bottom braces on and now she is completely metal mouth monster. Oh, her colors are so cool as well, orange and black for halloween(Sorry no pictures yet but we will be coming soon). It should be here in about two weeks enjoy the pics and talk to yall soon.


Is that not the coolest cake!!!!! (I loved it)

The greatest cake for Pauli and the cool presents too! He was very excited.

This is the prize winner. Her great prize was....

Best Adult Female (use of Body)

Pillsbury Dough Girl (the Dough Boy is inside her belly)

Pauli was Paul Bunyan!!!


Weylin and Tori said...

Oh my word! You two (three) are too funny! I love the costumes and you totally deserved the award! Happy late birthday Paul! Hope you had a great day!


Amy said...

Hilarious! I love you guys! :)

Ockeyopolis said...

you guys are funny and cute...what great costumes. Very original and punny. take care and Theo thinks he's coming to visit you tomorrow. Love ya.