Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello from the cold south!!! We hope you are enjoying our continual updates. This is two consecutive weekends were are on a role. Well these next pictures are pretty much the adventures we have had over our time here in NC. Pauli took Tiffers to the beach. Last week you saw the beach update and this time you get to experience the aquarium. We did all kinds of cool stuff. We first went to the Aquarium. It was very cool we saw sea horses and fishes and otters and sharks and jelly fish and eels and frogs and alligators and turtles and frogs and lots and lots and lots more. Tiffany really liked taking pictures of animals come along for our trip!
Tiffers took this pic. I really like the colors

That thing is like 9 feet long! Its comin' right for us.(the shark)

Paul has a new best friend!

Tiffers don't stick your hand in there he might bite! munch munch!!


Weylin and Tori said...

Alright, both of you have your Masters degrees. I would think that you both may have some common sense. First of all, Paul, a frog doesn't make a very good friend. I would stick with Tiffany! And Tiffany, keep your hands out of alligators mouths! I really enjoy reading your blog about your adventures and can't wait to see you guys next month! Love you!

Elaina said...

Ok, so isn't it about time that you post something new here!!